There are two great ways to be active during Alberta Camp Meeting 2022! Plan now to participate in either (or BOTH!) of these opportunities!
Annual 5k Walk/Run
The Annual 5K Walk/Run is taking place Sunday Jul 17. The event will begin at 9 AM in front of the Main Office at Foothills Camp, a few hours before the Food Fair. All are welcome. NEW! The majority of the Walk/Run route for this event is on the camp grounds. Participants are encouraged to register by Jul 16. Participants will be able to pick up their t-shirt and bib number between 10 and 11 PM Saturday evening in front of the Main Office.
NEW! Join the Alberta Conference Step Challenge and see which church walks the most steps per capita. Anyone can participate in this event. Submit you step count totals for Jul 15-21 for a chance to win a prize for your church and bragging rights for the year. Earn bonus credit for your church by completing a 5K Walk/Run during Step Challenge week. Join the Haystacks group at to participate in the bonus challenge. Participants in the 5K at Foothills Camp will automatically receive bonus credit.