Jose H Cortes Jr.

Associate Ministerial Director for Evangelism, North American Division

Jose H Cortes Jr. treasures and loves Joanne Cortes, his wife and companion in ministry. Together, they are blessed with two boys, Jose III and Joel Benjamin. Next to God and family, his greatest joy and passion come from ministry, and about 25 years of pastoring, youth and young adult ministries, soul winning, church planting, and leadership as a conference and union departmental director.

Cortes currently serves as Associate Director of the North American Division Ministerial Association. He leads in the association’s areas of Evangelism, Church Planting, Global Mission, Church Growth, and Mission to the Cities for the Adventist Church in North America. Cortes recognizes the importance of this task and continually asks the Holy Spirit for a double portion of love, vision, courage, grace, wisdom, power, and compassion to reach, retain, and reclaim others for Christ, along with the great team of about 5,000 pastors, leaders, and volunteer lay pastors across the United States, Canada, Bermuda, and the islands of Guam and Micronesia.

“Pastor Jose” holds a Master of Divinity (M.Div) from the Seventh- day Adventist Theological Seminary in Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, and a B.A. in Theology from Columbia Union College, now Washington Adventist University, in Takoma Park, Maryland.

Jose H Cortes Jr.
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