Ken Wiebe
Retired pastor and former president, Alberta Conference
Elder Ken Wiebe retired as president in the Alberta Conference in 2016. He grew up on a farm near Brandon, Manitoba and his early education was taken in public school, but he earned his Batchelor of Theology degree from Canadian Union College and his Master of Divinity from Andrews University. He pastored churches in Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia, and also served British Columbia as a Departmental Director and Executive Secretary. He became President for the Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference in 2001 and President for the Alberta Conference in 2010.
Elder Wiebe enjoys reading, Bible study, researching Bible principles that apply to everyday living, his continuing education through the “The Great Courses,” and cycling, walking, and nature study.
Ken and Vera (nee Werner) have been married 54 years and have two adult sons: Brad, a physician in Chilliwack BC, and Randy, plant manager for Quikrete, who lives in St. Albert AB. The Wiebes have four grandchildren.

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